Tuesday 20 December 2011

sis's wedding...(part 1 )

sistaaaaaaa wedding lo !!!~~~~
miss her much much yarh @@
but,,,,,all of us have fun at her wedding
kkkk :)

preparing ^^
笑在脸上 , 痛在心里!!

wat pose is tat to take pic ??!!!!
funny !!! hahahah ~~

takes some pics first ~

all of them are chhs's teachers ~
v ling jie n yong yong ~

yong yong ~

v sista !!

my primary school's teachers ^^

v mum,sisters n cousins

family ^^

cute or not ???!!

Gan's family ~~

singing ~

v ah CHIA !!! ( gor gor's gf )

v mom n sis~

daddy !!!!! ^^

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